Thanks for putting that on display :D! Last edited by Stormsong the Fallen 5 Jun, pm.Cutting Room Floor brings back cut content. Oooh that is noticeable! I'll have to update my build before I go to bed, made some revisions anyway with edits but maybe it's time for a new comment entry.

I love mods that fix little consistancy errors by bethesda. Originally posted by Stormsong the Fallen. This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Mod list This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

Play testing atm and made level 24 with only one ctd after 3 or 4 hours play without a break, so I do not think it was due to mods, just Skyrim being Skyrim. Saw a lot of others posting thier load orders. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.