Other multiplayer improvements include a new end-of-round screen that lists your overall score, as well as your number of kills, assists, and deaths.

The Naboo Palace Hanger map is being added to both Blast and Custom Arcade, and Ewok Hunt is becoming a permanent game mode. The new update also adds the Prequel Era Maps playlist to the game, which limits multiplayer matches to Galactic Assault on Clone Wars era maps. There are also bundles that net you all three skins for a corp for 40,000 credits. Skins are available for the Assault, Heavy, and Specialist classes of the Galactic Republic, with each going for 20,000 credits or 500 Crystals. Now Playing: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Clone Wars Announcement | E3 2018 Finally, a variety of bug fixes have been included in the Elite Corps update, as well as the Naboo Palace Hangar in both Blast and Custom Arcade modes, and changes to bonus multipliers.By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's New heroes such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous, first announced at EA Play, will finally be available to buy at a cost of 35,000 credits apiece.Įwok Hunt has been confirmed as a permanent game mode thanks to its popularity among the Battlefront 2 community, while a new, more streamlined ‘end of round’ screen will provide a greater breakdown of player stats.

The Elite Corps update will allow gamers to purchase victory poses for heroes and troopers at a cost of 2,000 credits or 50 crystals each for heroes, and 1,000 or 25 for troopers. A special price of 40,000 credits is available for buying each squad in all three classes. The Clone Trooper appearances are priced at 20,000 credits or 500 crystals each, and will be made available as Assault, Heavy and Specialist classes. They played a role in the Clone Wars and are known for being part of the defeated contingent on the planet of Quell. The 327th Star Corps will also be available as playable characters as part of the Elite Corps update. They were also present on Geonosis, and were tasked with helping Anakin Skywalker retake the planet after Count Dooku and his forces set up camp there. A clone trooper sub-division of the Republic Army during the Clone Wars, they took part in the Battle for Kashyyyk. Included in Battlefront 2‘s Elite Corps update are the 41st Elite Corps.